DSC 1201

Mrs. Natalie Barnard

Work address

  • Bristol Vet Specialists, Unit 10, More Plus Central Park, Madison Way, Severn Beach, Bristol, BS35 4ER.


Natalie graduated from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 2001. She then worked in small animal practice for 2 years before returning to the RVC in 2003 to undertake a 3 year residency in Veterinary Dermatology. Natalie attained her RCVS Certificate in Veterinary Dermatology in 2006 and was awarded her European Diploma in Veterinary Dermatology in 2009. After completing the residency Natalie provided a dermatology service at 2 private referral centres before joining the dermatology department at Langford Veterinary Services in 2010. she currently works at Bristol Vet specialists in Bristol. Her areas of interest include allergic skin and ear disease.

Planned feature

Note: This feature is not yet available in this release.